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WITAJ, czytaj i pytaj... :) (1/9)
Dla mnie mozeci sie poklepywac po plecach i zaspakajac swoje smopoczucie w taki sposob jak element margi.. spole... ,wiecie gdzie mam. Typowy prymityw idio... siegnie nawet po porownanie , ze czlowiek szybciej zabije, od cala sprawa tepych pal. Oczywisie karki zawsze beda staly przy swoim , nawet mimimalizowaly sprawe i okreslaly mianem 1 pracy, gdy jest ich dziesiatki cytowanych gdy przychodzi do banowania waszych dresowskich psow. mokka czy ty jestes prymitywna? bo twoja kolezana arjuna to cep i i zwykla idio.... niczym sie nie roznicie od zwylkego dziadostwa spolecznego w stanach, ktore tak wlasnie postepuje i nabiera wody w swe dresowskie mord twierdzac , ze ich to nic nie obchodzi i tyle. Poklepywac mozecie sie po plecach , a ralia swoja droga ciem....
kazdy moze sobie uwazac co chce, nawet ze jesli posiada rase agresywana to jego to nie dotyczy. Tylko trzeba byc bufonem aby tak myslec, bez obrazy bufona - tlukiem "do potegi entej" lepiej pasuje.
ja tam lubie jak pittboludzie , szczekaja na glorie swoich bydlat w dobrym tego slowa znaczeniu. hehe
No widziecie , jak glosno buczycie, a nikt nie mial zamiaru nawet trocic o tekst angielski i cos odpisac. Burzycie sie , ze ktos zdobyl PHD w temacia nasilanie sie agresji zwiazane z przynaleznoscia rasowa.Wystarczy sprawdzic.Gdzie te obietnice drazenia tematu? szkoli treserow i wlascicieli szkol z tym zwiazanych, personel policyjny majacy do czynienia z psami, sluzby komunalne itp......na skale krajowa z uwaga na agresje poszczegolnych ras. chcielibyscie aby , tylul naukowy w tym zakrscie moze zdobywac na katedrze humanistycznej? czy jest cos dziwnego , ze wiekszosc uczelni ma takowe ? no droczy smiacze jaka , obejmuje zwierzeta? Podsylacie ksiazki , ktore autorka bazuje tylko na przypadkach smiertelnych i tych wyjatkowo groznych gdzie pacjen ledwo sie wylizal i uciekl smierci.Celowo jeszcze rozmydla to na mieszance i chece wszyskie rasy sprowadzic do jednego poziomu.Takie naukowe jak "O psie ktory jezdzil koleja". Pomija wszystkie pogryzienia drobne, a jest ich co roku srednio o 11% wiecej.W samym 2007 na drobne pogryzienia wydano na leczenie 360 000 000 dolarow. takie pogryzienia to nie sa dzisiatki czy setkii przypadkow. czujecie aluzje ? he ... moze sie wglebic w podane wyzej nazwiska i odszukac jakie prace byly przez te osoby publikowane...., mozecie dowiedziec sie o tym iz bronione przez was psy rasowe(zwane grozne) maja przelicznik do rasy najbardziej popularnej prawie 70 do 1. 1 to jedno pogryzienie przez najbardziej popularna rase w stanach , do przypadajacy 70 pogryzien przez wasze rasy , ktore sa liczebnie o wielemniejsze. tutaj klaniaja sie drobne pogryzienia , a nie belko(zaporzyczone od pustrgo dzieciaka) tylko smiertelnych i wyjatkowo ciezki, ale to tez wasze psy sa ich sprawcami. Nawet nikomu sie nie chcialo sprawdzi jak przebiegala , podana wyrywkowo rozprawa i na jakiej zasadzie... to calkiem inaczej niz to sobie wyobrazacie. arjuna dziecko, nie masz podstawowej wiedzy ksiazkowej na temat poprawnego zywienia swych psow( picie wody do 2 dawek z sucha karma) , a tu sie unosisz. Masz powyzej sprawdz wystarczy chyba PHD, mozesz prace walowac w "te i wewte"...ale masz ubytek w tym co powinien obecnie posiadac kazdy 20- 40 latek(j. ang).Jaki pies taki wlasciciel. Mnie przebieg pracy tyle obchodzi(pomysl ile ) , mnie obchodzi jej istnienie. tak jak pisanie na klawiturze, a nie jak ja zbudowali. ps. nic dziwnego , ze rasy te sa synonimem dres, karka w rowniez usa* .Dodatkowo jest synonimem rasy "nizin spolecznych"(usa*). *- usa ma czas cofniety o 6 godzin w tyl , to adnotacja dla tlukow ktorzy zle interpretuja godziny pisania.
Ta pani omija calkowicie prawdziwa segregacje psow.Tak jak powyzej, popros rrmi aby zaczela tlumaczycz . Nastepna sprawa , ktora jest calkowicie omijana przez oszolomow amerykanskich i nabierania przez nich wody w usta, to wspomniane procesy. Prawo amerykanskie zezwala na skladanie ekspertyz , przez ludzi o odpowiednim udokumentowanym zapleczuczu naukowym w swej dzienie potwierdzonym stopniem naukowym, taki wymog prawny dla ekspertow.Tyczy sie to wszystkiego bez wyjatkow: samochodow , samolotow , zywnosci , psow , kotow itp. czego tylko chcesz. Ugruntowany system prawny zapewnia sprawiedliwe wyroki, ktore jak do chwili obecnej nigdy w historii nie stanely po stronie slepych sympatykow tych wymienionych ras. Wystarczy wpisac dana rozprawe i dowiedziec sie kto byl powolywany na eksperta. Nastepnie przejsc do katedry naukowej danego uniwersytetu i odszukac prace na jakiej bazowal sad opierajac sie w spawie.(patrz do gory) Nie jest prawda to co napisalas , bo wzystkie sprawy po dzien dzisiejszy dotyczyly okreslonej rasy, bo prawo nie zezwala na oskarzenie na podstawie grupy lecz specyfikuje go do rasy wy bajkopisarze wy moi.Ponizej laduje jeden z setek wykorow dostepny w archimum sadu wydajacego orzeczenie.Tutaj Section 8-55 Denver RMC i tak wlasnie rozbija sie kazda sprawa jesli mowa o psach czysto rasowych i skarzone psy musza odpowiadac standartom rasowym. Mieszance nie moga wplywac na wydanie banu na rase. http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/7149/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg Surowy system karny gwarantuje w stanach to , ze ludzie dbaja o bezpieczenstwo i to jest atutem malej ilosci drastycznych wypadkow.Gwarantuje to ,ze gdyby zostal przjety w polsce , wiekszosc oszolomow wolalaby dac sobie spokuj z zabawa z psem, jak placic 5 czy 10 letnie rownowartosci swych pensji roczych na poczet poszkodowanych. Moge wypunktowac po koleji tak jak napisalem na samym poczatku.Demagogia tej pani nie ma realnego odniesienia do rzeczywistosci, a jej dorobek ksiazkowy nawet nie uprawnia jej do bycia ekspertem, to jedno. Drugie to to, ze na sile stara sie postawic bullkowane w tej samym rzedzie ze wszystkimi psami. Nie ma rzadnego tabu , wszystko jest dostepny, ale omijane przez grupy ktore wy reprezentujecie, ot cala tajemnica.Jak do tej pory nie macie chocby jednej wygranej sprawy w ktorej obrona chciala dowiesc , ze psy tych ras nie maja predyspozycji do agresji, o tyle.
to ja napisze jeszcze cos ciekawszego, ten ktorego wymienilem powyzej sam zaplacil grzywne i to spora jak na warunki amerykanskie , za to ze pies ktorego szkolil zaatakowal czlowieka, zgadni jak rasa ...pitt bull, rowniez jest w internecie.Koszty zwiazane z wykonywaniem zawodu. Dwa razy po 500 000 dolarow....to tak, aby wiadoma osoba nie szczekala , ze to jakis przeciwnik rasy....ale jego ekspertyzy oparte na pracy naukowej przed sadem doprowadzily do banicji wyminionej rasy. hahaha A sprawa ktora opisujesz byla bardzo szeroko poruszana i rowniez nie bylo tak calkiem "piczi" jak piszesz. Opracowanie zawiera rowniez onki i sa one tutaj rowniez popularne , w jednych rejonach wiecej w drugich mniej.... ...temat pitt bulla i onka jest tak rozpatrywana jak ponizszy cytac R. Lockwood, PHD ( Berry, C., Patronek, G. and R. Lockwood. 2005. Animal Hoarding: A Study of Case Outcomes. Animal Law, 11:167-194. Lockwood, R. 2005. Cruelty towards cats: Changing perspectives. In D. Salem and A. Rowan (Editors), State of the Animals 2005. Washington, D.C.: Humane Society Press, 15-26. Ascione, F.R. and R. Lockwood. 2001. Animal Cruelty: Changing psychological, social and legislative perspectives. In D. Salem and A. Rowan (Editors), State of the Animals 2001. Washington, D.C.: Humane Society Press (pp. 39-53). Lockwood, R. 1999. Animal cruelty and violence against humans. Animal Law. vol. 5: 81-87. Arluke, A. and R. Lockwood. 1997. Understanding cruelty to animals. Society and Animals, 5(3): 183-194. DeViney, L., J. Dickert and R. Lockwood. 1983. The care of pets within child abusing families. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems. 4(4): )321-36.) When your German Shepard fights with your Lab, in a play fight or even a serious fight and one of the dogs goes belly up that is a cut off signal, it is an infantile, juvenile signal and wolves were wired to say, When I see someone roll over like a puppy does, I don't want to hurt my own puppies, I better stop showing aggression. So most dogs are hardwired to respond to a display of submission by cutting off aggression because it means you have won. But if you area fighting dog and the object is to inflict the most damage possible, a submissive gesture is just a new opening. In the early 80's, I started hearing from the Humane Society about the fighting breeds they were getting (and they did not know what they were getting). They would put that dog into a pen with a German Shepherd, and the German Shepherd speaks "dog," they play by wolf rules, and the German Shepherd would go belly up, and the pit bull would just disembowel him. They don't speak that language. They ignore that signal.(praca dla rrmi, bo gdzie mi tam pijanej belkocacej nastolatce, do pani polonistki) Natomiast ilosciowo wszystkie rasy przebija L.R.(by registered ownership) i na 70 incydentow z pitt bullem przypada 1 z L.R.
Widze , ze dzisiaj nie "poczatujemy". ponizej jeden z setek przykladow jak bazuje sie na pracach naukowych, aby smieszkom nosa utrzec , hahahaha. To co obiecywalem na poczarku.Czyli przechodzimy z fazy zanecania "zwierzyny" w dalsza.Jak to widac po pani polonistce. Obecnie streszczam jeszcze zrodlo na ktore przypadkowo wpadlem, jestem w 1/3. CURRICULUM VITAE Peter L. Borchelt, Ph.D. Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist Animal Behavior Consultant 1-800-339-9505 http://www.AnimalBehavior.com ADDRESS: Animal Behavior Clinic Affiliated Faculty The Animal Medical Center Animal Behavior and Conservation Program 510 East 62nd Street Hunter College, CUNY New York, NY 10021 New York, NY 10021 DEGREES: B.A. 1966 Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio Major: Psychology M.A. 1970 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Major: General Experimental Psychology Thesis Chairman: Stanley C. Ratner Ph.D. 1973 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Major: Comparative Psychology, Animal Behavior Minor: Learning & Developmental Psychology Thesis Chairmen: Drs. Ralph L. Levine and Stanley C. Ratner Certified 1991 Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, The Animal Behavior Society PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1966 1968 Lieutenant, U.S. Army Artillery & Missile School, Fort Sill, OK Instruction, preparation and revision of course materials and administration of behavioral objectives program 1968 1970 Graduate Teaching Assistant Department of Psychology, Michigan State University 1970 1972 United States Public Health Predoctoral Trainee Department of Psychology, Michigan State University 1972 1974 NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Animal Behavior American Museum of Natural History Assisted in teaching of animal behavior field courses at Southwestern Research Station, Portal, Arizona, and Lerner Marine Laboratory, Bimini, Bahamas 1973 1974 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Hunter College, New York, New York 1974 1978 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Fordham University, The Bronx, New York 1978 - Present Attending Staff & Director, Animal Behavior Clinic The Animal Medical Center, New York, New York 1980 Present Private practice, Animal Behavior Consultant Brooklyn, New York 1984 - 2000 Co-Editor, Animal Behavior Consultants Newsletter 2007 – Present Affiliated Faculty, Animal Behavior and Conservation program, Hunter College FORENSIC /LEGAL CASES: 1981 - Present Expert witness on numerous animal bite and injury cases, evaluation of pets for housing and landlord disputes, and custody, neglect and abuse cases. GRANTS AND CONTRACTS: 1970 1971 Biomedical Sciences Support Grant (NIMH) to Michigan State University "Heart Rate Changes During Responses to Predators in Bobwhite Quail" 1971 1972 Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund, American Museum of Natural History, "A Film Analysis of Care of the Body Surface Behavior in Birds" 1975 Fordham Faculty Research Grant, "Development of Dustbathing in Quail" 1987 The Dreyfus Foundation: The effect of Phenytoin on dominance aggression, phobias and anxiety problems in dogs". 1989 Canine Concepts, "Evaluation of the effectiveness of an ultrasonic device for inhibiting behavior in dogs". 1990 A&M Products Inc. "Preferences of cats for different types of litter materials". 1992-1994 The Hartz Mountain Company/Delta Society, "Development of a questionnaire for identifying traits underlying observable behaviors in dogs". 1993-1995 Upjohn Company, Agricultural Division, Worldwide Animal Health Product Division. "Dose determination study for treatment of separation anxiety in dogs". 1998-1999 Grain Processing Corporation, Litter preference study for cats with litter aversion. 1999-2001 Grain Processing Corporation, Detection of silica particles in lung wash fluid from cats with and without respiratory disease PATENTS Animal Training Method Using Positive and Negative Audio Stimuli. Patent number 5,351,653. Dog Halter. Patent number 5,992,352 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Association for the Advancement of Science Animal Behavior Society PUBLICATIONS: Marr JN, Bayer DJ, Borchelt PL: Conditioning of eye movements with auditory stimulation. J Exp Psychol 81:370 375, 1969. Borchelt PL: Haptics up and down the animal kingdom, in Bartley SH (ed): Perception and Everyday Life. New York, Harper and Row, 1972. Borchelt PL, Overmann S: Variables influencing the development of dustbathing in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Abstracted in Am Zool 12:650, 1972. Tortora DF, Borchelt PL: The effect of escape responses on immobility in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Psychon Sci 27:129 130, 1972. Borchelt PL, Ratner SC: Development of freezing and immobility, predator defenses, in the Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Behav Biol 8:83 92, 1973. Borchelt PL, Eyer J, McHenry D: Dustbathing in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) as a function of dust deprivation. Behav Bio 8:109 114, 1973. Borchelt PL, Ringer RK: Development of temperature regulation in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Poultry Sci 52:793 798, 1973. Borchelt PL, Overmann S: Development of dustbathing in Bobwhite quail. I. Effects of age, experience, texture of dust, strain, and social facilitation. Dev Psychobiol 7:305 313, 1974. Borchelt PL, Duncan L: Dustbathing and feather lipid in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). The Condor 76:471 472, 1974. Levine RL, Borchelt PL, Hunter JE: Dustbathing as a regulatory mechanism. Bull Math Biol 36:545 553, 1974. Borchelt PL, Overmann S: Development of dustbathing in Bobwhite quail. II. Effects of early pecking experiences. Dev Psychobiol 8:417 423, 1975. Borchelt PL: The organization of dustbathing components in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Behaviour 53:217 237, 1975. Borchelt PL, Branchek RS, Griswold JG: An analysis of sandbathing and grooming behavior in the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami). Anim Behav 25:602 608, 1977. Borchelt PL: Development of dustbathing components in Bobwhite and Japanese quail. Dev Psychobiol 10:97 103, 1977. Borchelt PL, Hoffman T, Hurrell R, McCarthy R: Regulation of dustbathing in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix). J Comp Physiol Psychol 93:134 139, 1979. Borchelt PL, Tortora DF: Animal behavior therapy: The diagnosis and treatment of pet behavior problems, in Proceedings. 46th Annu Meeting, Am Animal Hosp Assoc, pp. 3 14, 1979. Borchelt PL: Care of the body surface, in Denny MR (ed): Comparative Psychology: An Evolutionary Analysis of Animal Behavior. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1980, pp. 363 384. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Elimination behavior problems in cats. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 3:730 737, 1981. Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Symposium on Animal Behavior. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, 1982. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Introduction to animal behavior therapy. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:565 570, 1982. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Classification of animal behavior problems. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:571 585, 1982. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Diagnosis and treatment of separation related behavior problems in dogs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:625 635, 1982. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Diagnosis and treatment of elimination behavior problems in dogs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:637 643, 1982. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Diagnosis and treatment of dominance aggression in dogs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:655 663, 1982. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Diagnosis and treatment of aggression problems in cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:665 671, 1982. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Diagnosis and treatment of elimination behavior problems in cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 12:673 681, 1982. Borchelt PL, Lockwood R, Beck AM, Voith VL: Attacks by packs of dogs involving predation on human beings. Pub Health Rep 98:57 66, 1983. Reprinted in Favre D. and Borchelt PL (eds): Animal Law and Dog Behavior. Tucson, Az., Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company Inc., 1999, pp. 307-324. Borchelt PL: Aggressive behavior of dogs kept as companion animals: Classification and influence of sex, reproductive status, and breed. App Anim Ethol 10:45 61, 1983. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Feline behavior problems, in Pratt PW (ed): Feline Medicine and Surgery. Santa Barbara, Calif, Veterinary Publications, 1983, pp. 651 668. Borchelt PL: Separation elicited behavior problems in dogs, in Katcher AH and Beck A (eds): New Perspectives On Our Lives with Companion Animals. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983, pp. 187 196. Borchelt PL: Behaviour development of the puppy in the home environment, in Anderson RS (ed): Nutrition and Behaviour in Dogs and Cats. Elmsford, NY, Pergamon Press, 1984, pp. 165 174. German Translation. Borchelt PL: Entwicklung des Verhaltens bei Welpen in der hauslichen Umgebung, in Anderson RS, Meyer H (Hrsg.): Ernahrung und Verhalten von Hund und Katze. Hannover, Schlutersche Verlagsanstalt, 1984, pp. 184 195. Borchelt PL: Development of behaviour of the dog during maturity, in Anderson RS (ed): Nutrition and Behaviour in Dogs and Cats. Elmsford, NY, Pergamon Press, 1984, pp. 189 197. German Translation. Borchelt PL: Entwicklung des Verhaltens beim Junghund, in Anderson RS, Meyer H (Hrsg.): Ernahrung und Verhalten von Hund und Katze. Hannover, Schlutersche Verlagsanstalt, 1984, pp. 196 206. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Separation anxiety in dogs. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 7:42 52, 1985. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 41-51. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 124-139. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: The dog that cannot be left alone. Vet Tech 6:95 97, 1985. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Fears and phobias in companion animals. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 7:209 218, 1985. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds). Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 53-61. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 140-152. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Fear of thunder and other loud noises. Vet Tech 6: 189 191, 202, 1985. Borchelt PL: Canine behavior, in Kay WJ and Randolph E (eds): The Complete Book of Dog Health. New York, MacMillan Publishing Co., 1985, pp. 119 135. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: History taking and interviewing. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 7:432 435, 1985. Reprinted in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 42-45. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Housebreaking. Vet Tech 6:288 290. 1985. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Elimination behavior and related problems in dogs. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 7:537 544, 1985. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 31-39. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 168-178. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Elimination behavior problems in dogs. Vet Tech 6:361 365, 1985. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Punishment. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 7:780 788, 1985. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 72-80. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: The fearful dog. Vet Tech 6:435 438, 1985. Borchelt PL: Feline behavior, in Kay WJ and Randolph E (eds): The Complete Book of Cat Health. New York, MacMillan Publishing Co., 1985, pp. 109 124. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Aggressive behavior in dogs and cats. Comp Cont Ed Prac Vet 7:949 958, 1985. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 217-229. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Introducing a dog to a new baby. Vet Tech 6:496 498, 1985. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Dominance aggression in dogs. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 8:36 44, 1986. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 230-239. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Dominance behavior in dogs: An owners guide. Vet Tech 7:73 74, 1986. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Elimination behavior problems in cats. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 8:197 205, 1986. Reprinted, with update, in Feline Medicine and Surgery in Practice. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1992, pp. 388-397. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 3-12. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 179-190. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Elimination behavior problems in cats. Vet Tech. 7:206 208, 1986. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Social behavior of domestic cats. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 8:637 644, 1986. Reprinted, with update, in Feline Medicine and Surgery in Practice. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1992, pp. 379-387. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 21-29. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 248-256. Borchelt PL, Voith VL: Aggressive behavior in cats. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet 9: 49 56, 1986. Reprinted, with update, in Feline Medicine and Surgery in Practice. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1992, pp. 398-404. Reprinted, with update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management: Feline and Canine. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995, pp. 13-19. Reprinted, with additional update, in Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 208-216. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Aggressive behavior problems in cats. Vet Tech. 7:404 406, 1986. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Strangers and the family dog. Vet Tech 8:211 213, 1987. Voith VL, Borchelt PL: Dealing with your overactive dog. Vet Tech 8:400 404. 1987. Borchelt PL: Behavior problems in companion animals: what are they and how do they develop? Abstracted in Proceedings of Societa Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia. Milan, 1987, pp. 17 34. Borchelt PL, Plimpton E, Kutscher AH, Nieburg HA, Kay WJ (eds.): Advances in Thanatology: Animal Behavior and Thanatology. New York, The Foundation of Thanatology, 6(3), 1988. Borchelt PL: Separation elicited behavior of dogs kept as companion animals. In Borchelt PL, et. al. (eds.) Advances in Thanatology: Animal Behavior and Thanatology. New York, The Foundation of Thanatology 6(3), 1988, pp. 41 50. Borchelt PL: Behavioral problems. In Cohen SP, Fudin CE, (eds.). Problems in Veterinary Medicine Small Animal Illness and Human Emotion. J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Vol 3 (1), pp. 83 94, 1991. Borchelt, PL. Cat Elimination Behavior Problems. In Marder, AR, Voith, VL (eds.). Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. Advances in Companion Animal Behavior, Vol 21 (2) pp. 257 284, 1991. Borchelt PL: Scratching the surface on feline elimination. Vet Forum, 54-55, Aug. 1991. Stein DJ, Borchelt P, Hollander E: Pharmacotherapy of naturally occurring anxiety symptoms in dogs. Res Comm Psychol Psychiat Behav 19(1-2):39-48, 1994. Stein DJ, Dodman NH, Borchelt P, Hollander E: Behavioral disorders in veterinary practice: relevance to psychiatry. Comp Psychiat 35:275-285, 1994 Voith VL, Borchelt P (eds): Common Behavior Problems and their Management. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1995. Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996. Reid P, Borchelt PL: Learning. In Voith VL, Borchelt PL (eds): Readings in Companion Animal Behavior. Trenton, Veterinary Learning Systems, 1996, pp. 62-71. Goodloe L, Borchelt PL: Companion Dog Temperament Traits. J. App. Welfare Sci. 1(4), 303-338, 1998. Favre D and Borchelt PL (eds): Animal Law and Dog Behavior, Tucson, Az., Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company Inc., 1999. Borchelt PL: Animal Behavior and the Law - An Introduction. In Favre D and Borchelt PL (eds): Animal Law and Dog Behavior, Tucson, Az., Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company Inc., 283-285, 1999. Borchelt PL: Dog Bites - Basic Behavioral Principles and Misunderstood Words. In Favre D and Borchelt PL (eds): Animal Law and Dog Behavior, Tucson, Az., Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company Inc., 299-306, 1999. Borchelt PL: Practical Issues to Consider in the Investigation and Evaluation of Fatal or Serious Dog Attacks. In Favre D and Borchelt PL (eds): Animal Law and Dog Behavior, Tucson, Az., Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company Inc., 359-363, 1999. Noone KE, Borchelt PL, Rice CC, Bressler C, Morales J and Lee JJ. Detection of silica particles in lung wash fluid from cats with and without respiratory disease. J Amer Holistic Vet Med Assoc 20: 13-20, 2001. Williams NG, Borchelt,PL. Full body restraint and rapid stimulus exposure as a treatment for dogs with defensive aggressive behavior: three case studies. Int. J. Comp. Psych. 16: 226-236, 2003. Williams NG, Borchelt PL, Sollers JJ, Gasper PW and Thayer, JF. Ambulatory monitoring of cardiovascular responses during behavioral modification of an aggressive dog. Biomed. Sciences Instru. 39: 214-219, 2003. Borchelt PL. Introducing a new cat to the old. NAVC Clinicians Brief. Oct: 15-16, 2003 Borchelt PL. Behavioral tips for the fast cat. NAVC Clinicians Brief. Nov: 72-74, 2004 PAPERS READ: Borchelt PL: Development of responses to predators in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1970. Borchelt PL: Development of dustbathing in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1971; American Ornithologists Union, 89th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Wash, 1971. Borchelt PL: Temperature regulation development in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Poultry Science Annual Meeting, Fayetteville, Ark. 1971. Borchelt PL, Eyer J, McHenry D: Dustbathing in Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) as a function of dust deprivation. Midwestern Psychological Association, 44th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 1972. Borchelt PL: Why do birds dustbathe? American Ornithologists' Union, 90th Annual Meeting, Grand Forks, ND, 1972. Borchelt PL: Modification of patterns of sandbathing and dustbathing: "A little dab'll do it". Invited paper, Midwestern Psychological Association, 47th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill, 1975. Branchek RS, Griswold JG, Borchelt PL: Topography of sandbathing and grooming in the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami). Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC, 1975. Borchelt PL: Dustbathing in Japanese quail: Function and development. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colo, 1976. Griswold JG, Borchelt PL, Branchek, RS, Bensko JA: Local conditions of the pelage regulate sandbathing and grooming in the kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami). Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colo, 1976. Borchelt PL, Schein MW, Daschbach NJ, Mason CA, Statkiewicz WR: Dustbathing in Japanese quail. Series of mini papers, Northwest Regional Meeting, Animal Behavior Society, New York, 1976. Branchek RS, Griswold JG, Borchelt PL: Temporal, configurational and sequential analysis of grooming and sandbathing behavior in the kangaroo rat. Northwest Regional Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, New York, 1976. Borchelt PL, Schein MW, Statkiewicz WR: Studies on the periodicity of dustbathing in quail. Poster paper at 15th International Ethological Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, 1977. Borchelt PL, Tortora DF: Animal behavior therapy: The diagnosis and treatment of pet behavior problems. American Animal Hospital Association, 46th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1979. Borchelt PL: Separation elicited behavior problems in companion animals. Veterinary Medical practice: Pet loss and human emotion. Symposium sponsored by The Foundation of Thanatology, New York, 1981. Borchelt PL: Diagnosis and classification of aggressive behavior problems in dogs. Invited paper session on Applied and Companion Animal Ethology, Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tenn, 1981. Borchelt PL: Separation elicited behavior problems in companion animals. International Conference on the Human/Companion Animal Bond, Philadelphia, Pa, 1981. Borchelt PL: Behavior development of the puppy in the home environment. 1st Nordic Symposium on Small Animal Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Norway, 1982. Borchelt PL: Development of behavior of the dog during maturity. 1st Nordic Symposium on Small Animal Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Norway, 1982. Borchelt PL Coppola: Characteristics of dominance aggression in dogs kept as companion animals. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, 1985. Borchelt PL: Behavior and learning in humans and animals, and Techniques for behavior modification. 2nd International meeting: The dog in the service of humanity, Geilo, Norway, 1987.. Borchelt PL: General introduction to canine psychology: interpretation of some problem behavior of helping dogs, and Interpretation and correction of behavior during training of search and rescue dogs. 2nd International Rescue Dog Symposium, Mexico City, Mexico, 1988. Borchelt PL: A reproachment between anthropomorphism and animal behavior. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Highland Heights, KY 1989. Goodloe, LP, Borchelt PL: Methodological issues in canine assessment. Delta Society, New York, NY, 1994. Goodloe LP, Borchelt PL: Identification of traits underlying observable behaviors in companion dogs. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 1994. Borchelt, PL: The use of halters for behavior problems in dogs, and The logic of drug therapy. NY State Veterinary Medical Society Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1996. Borchelt, PL: Feline behavior. American Association of Feline Practitioners Meeting, Sun Valley, ID, 1997. Borchelt, PL : Response prevention and halter training for dogs, Aggression in cats, Separation anxiety in dogs - case studies, Response prevention and halter training, Halter training for veterinary technicians, and How to play with cats. Western Veterinary Conference Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 1999. Borchelt, PL: Behavior and misbehavior in pets: implications for understanding behavior in general. The New York Academy of Sciences, 2004. PRESENTATIONS: Panel member, New York State Bar Association: Anatomy of a Dangerous Dog Case: How to handle a case pursuant to Agriculture and Markets, Article 7, Sections 108 and 121. Albany, NY, May 11, 2007. Numerous presentations and workshops at local and state veterinary medical associations, breed clubs, and obedience training clubs on the topic of pet behavior problems. Numerous colloquium presentations at colleges and universities on the topics of care of the body surface behaviors and pet behavior problems. POPULAR ARTICLES: Borchelt PL: A psychologist for your pet? Pet News Sept/Oct: 10 15, 1979. Borchelt PL: Submissive urination. The Nose to Tail News, Fall: 7, 1995 PAMPHLETS: FOR VETERINARY CLIENTS, SPONSORED BY GAINES FOODS (with Victoria L. Voith, DVM, Ph.D.) wlasnie tacy jak wy bula wielomilionowe kary . ================================================ Prosze bardzo niech rrmi sie obczyta, bo mi wierzy nie musciei i przedlumaczy o co chodzi.Wystarczy wbic w gogle angielsko-jezyczen nazwisko tego pana.
pogryzienia . zmieniaja sie tylko liczby, na znacznie wieksze. ps. tlumaczenie tekstow pozostawiam dla rrmi. tabele kazdy moze sobie wyjasnic.
To jest natomiast stare zestwienie o ktorym pisala mokka.(sorry ale nie funguje mi zrzut) (Table 2). Of human DBRF for which data were 1979– 1981– 1983– 1985– 1987– 1989– 1991– 1993– 1995– 1997– Breed 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Total Purebred Pit bull-type 2 5 10 9 11* 8 6 5 4* 6 66 Rottweiler 0 0 1 1 3 1 3 10 10 10 39 German Shepherd Dog 2 1 4* 1 1 4* 2 0 2 0 17 Husky-type 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 1 15 Malamute 2 0 3 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 12 Doberman Pinscher 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 9 Chow Chow 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 8 Great Dane 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 Saint Bernard 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 Crossbred Wolf-dog hybrid 0 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 0 14 Mixed-breed 0 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 12 German Shepherd Dog 0 2 0 2 2 2† 0 1 2 0 10† Pit bull-type 0 1 0 3 2† 3 1 1 0 0 10† Husky-type 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 Rottweiler 0 0 0 0 1† 1 0 1 1 2 5† Alaskan Malamute 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 Chow Chow 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 Doberman Pinscher 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Saint Bernard 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Great Dane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1† 0† No. deaths for which 10 20 26* 24 22 34* 24 25 26* 27 238 breed was known
no prosze , czyzby ortografia , byla powodem braku dyskusji. Zaczynam cytowac.Pierwszy cytat polecial.
We tallied data in 2 ways to provide alternatives for breed data interpretation. First, we used a human death-based approach in which we counted whether a particular breed was involved in a death. When multi- ple dogs of the same breed were involved in the same fatal episode, that breed was counted only once (eg, if 10 Akitas attacked and killed a person, that breed was counted once rather than 10 times). When crossbred dogs were involved in a fatality, each suspected breed in the dog’s lineage was counted once for that episode. Second, we tallied data by dog. When multiple dogs of the same breed were involved in a single incident, each dog was counted individually. We allocated crossbred dogs into separate breeds and counted them similarly (eg, if 3 Great Dane-Rottweiler crossbreeds attacked a person, Great Dane was counted 3 times under cross- bred, and Rottweiler was counted 3 times under cross- bred). Data are presented separately for dogs identified as pure- and crossbred. Lastly, dogs were classified as to whether they were on or off the owners’ property and restrained (eg, chained or leashed) or unrestrained at the time of the attack. Pit bull dogs were involved in more than half of these deaths.
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na sciane w ganinecie, podbita przez uwiwersytet...... zapytaj sie tych co im wierzysz , nie musisz mi, sa tu ludzie za ocenu.....myle ,ze forumowiczka rrmi tez o tym wie , bo tu dlugo przebywala.
Kazdy pies ma geny , ktore swiadcza o jego rasie i sa zwiazane z psychika danej rasy. Jak panietasz Jack byl psem takim jakim byl, ale psychika calej rasy jest taka jak jest: slamazarna i slepie wierzaca czlowiekowi.....i jest zalecana bez rzadnej tresury do przebywania z dziecmi. zero struza , zero obronnosci , zerowa predyspozycja do agresji.
weterynarz moze byc ogolny taki za $100( wizyta) i specjalita $300, kochany... i gdybys byl dobrze poinormowany to kliniki dla psow sa tutaj niejednokrotnie lepiej zaopatrzone niz polskie szpitale nawet na stopniu uniwersyteckim,a lekarze tam pracujacy niejednikrotnie zarabiaja krocie tego co zwykly MD.......